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EAC Market Place – A Sector Guide for Finished Leather Products in the EAC
The EAC Market Place series of guides are an information product under ATEAS’s business and industry advisory services. Through the EAC Market Place, ATEAS provides EAC businesses, especially SMEs with xii sector specific trade and market intelligence that includes the following:
Data backed sector characteristics such as market size, competition, growth trends and prospects
Potential opportunities for trade and investment in the sector
Sector legal, regulatory and operating environment
Key challenges that impact on doing business in the sector
Key organisations that are useful for the sector
The main aim of the EAC Market Place is to go beyond the rhetoric of ‘expanded market’ arising from the EAC Common Market Protocol, to actually establish where the opportunities lie in each sector. This we believe will enhance MSMEs knowledge of these sectors, thereby guiding their decisions on how to get involved. The publication is intended for use by SMEs, who know about the framework offered by the EAC integration process, but not the specific opportunities it offers across various sectors. The Guide therefore neither goes
into the detail of the EAC integration process, nor the status of integration, except where relevant to the sector
DOWNLOAD: http://ateas.co.ke/download/eac-market-place-a-sector-guide-for-finished-leather-products-in-the-eac/