EAC Region Losing Export Earnings Due To Low-Value Addition Of Horticulture And Leather Products report

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EAC Region Losing Export Earnings Due To Low-Value Addition Of Horticulture And Leather Products report

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The EAC Region Losing Export Earnings Due To Low-Value Addition Of Horticulture And Leather Products report identifies key issues the e leather, fruits and vegetables value chains are facing, analyses what each Partner State is undertaking and recommends appropriate policy interventions. The report further identifies the key challenges including; importation of used footwear as well as synthetic/plastic shoes, low levels of processing, low quality of hides and skins, lack of financing etc and the policy interventions identified to solve the difficulties.

DOWNLOAD: https://eabc-online.com/download/eac-region-losing-export-earnings-due-to-low-value-addition-of-horticulture-and-leather-products/